To access your company's platform, you need credentials to login.

Companies may decide to create access for some of their users. If you're part of them, you must have received an email inviting you to sign in. 

If your company allows self registration, you can create an account by filling up the form on your company's platform homepage.

Once every field completed, click on Register. A confirmation is sent to your email address. 

In case you do not find the confirmation email on your Inbox, please check your junk email folder. 

Depending on the platform parameters, you may have to wait an administrator validation before being able to login. 

Domains restriction may be configured. In that case, you won't be able to register with another email address than your professional address. Please contact your manager or your company if registration with your professional address does not work. 

 If self registration is not allowed, please contact your manager or your company.